Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy Friday Elvis!

Enjoy the long weekend!


Jamie Gaiger, photographer extraordinaire.

I have proof that there are some girls in this office who looked at this photo and wished they were a little older... not mentioning any names...

Mark L betrayed either his age or his taste in music by going to see an 80's band in Camden.

Alli is in love with the guitarist from Vetacorps.

Not bad...

Kate Tarry's wedding today.

Kate Tarry is at a wedding with 5 of her ex-boyfriends. No wonder she was scared to take a date.

Sir Neil update.

After being a teetotaller in preparation for the London marathon last weekend, Sir Neil has announced that he will be getting drunk tonight. Super fit and out of training I don't think he will last long.

Ladies if you want to bag yourselves a real gentleman I recon this may be the opportunity.

And to all those who want to lay money on how long he will last I am taking bets.

Sunir is leaving us :(

RE: only reply if you use GHDs

Yes, I realise recall doesn't work and just makes everone want to read it.

Sorry, next time I make the mistake I hope it is at least interesting :)

Amanda forgoes her beauty sleep in the name of fashion.

Today, on her hard-earned day off, Amanda camped outside the Reiss store so as to be first in the queue when the Sale started early this morning. Unfortunately it was a wasted effort as she didn't buy anything.

The mice are back!

There is hard evidence that the mice have been back on Ruth & Amanda's desk. At least they cleaned it up. Apparently Darren & Mike haven't bothered with theirs.


Shelly's Birthday today.
Charlotte's on Monday.

  • Vicky J is having a fete for her birthday this weekend.

Leeston and Charlie R would like to apologise in advance to anyone who might be offended by today's drink trolley.

The Superheroes among us.

Superpower owners:
Leeston - teleportation
Niki - breathing underwater
Vicky D & Tash - mind reading
Vicky J - being able to make people wet themselves by just looking at them
Heather - healer

Alli has made her busking debut - there is a video... somewhere...

In the early hours of this morning Alli was filmed busking with a wooden tribal flute. Apparently she didn't make any money but there is a video. (Does anyone know her sister's number?)
At least she would have been a lot prettier than the original musician.


Congratulations Jessie and Sarah D on a great combined effort!
Jessie's baby is due on Fallon's birthday and the favourite name so far is Fallon Emily Thea Emma Goz Hobbs.


Ollie - SAM
Charlie R - AM
Tom B - SAD

Duncan, Jason & James are now all Lead 'somethings'...
Marco - is now the house pet (no more bossing him around guys)

Will is no longer homeless!

When is the house warming Will??

Guest appearance by the T-mobile dancing sextet.

This aspiring pop group gave Pink a run for her money in Trafalgar Square.

Pippa would like to thank everyone for their work on this very pink week. Well done guys!