Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Richard Branson Fan Club.

Craig and Richard are heading up the Richard Branson fan club. Upon meeting Branson for the first time 'Craig had to be restrained from hugging his legs'.

Adam unveils Spike's plan of attack.

Visualise it Adam

Heather is upset - she wanted to be the sausage.

But recons maybe she can be the teabag instead...?

Virgin Holidays campaign goes live!

Well done guys! :)

Rich launches his modelling career and makes the world a more beautiful place.

After hours...

Richard Neville was seen herding about 20 pimply faced youths into a meeting room. When asked, he refused to comment.
Did anyone see them re-emerge?

Manuel's famous admirer.

…Comedienne Victoria Wood gave Manuel the once over on Charlotte Street, as far as we know he returned unscathed.

Romantic update:

  • Kate has narrowed her boyfriends down to 1.
  • Martin is playing hard to get with Richard's wife.
  • Vanessa is going to the Cotswolds with her man for a romantic weekend. Will next week's Friday email have something to announce? Although a lovers tiff the day before may not have been encouraging.
  • Paul is building a greenhouse this weekend. He plans to use it to hide from his girlfriend - good luck with that.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine flu update.

Mia's got swine flue, Paul says 'she needs oinkment' :)
Oliver is going pink and has just been diagnosed.
Random pig fact from James G:
Pigs are the only other creatures that can suntan.

Craig and Ben start a photo-off. Winners of rounds 1 & 2 below.

To anyone who thinks they can challenge them, speak to Richard.

There was Babe Ruth, Jo Dimagio and then the true legend was born ...

Martin made us proud when he caught the ball in the Yankee Stadium.

Holiday update

  • Jay is in Barcelona. (To avoid doing this week's Friday email the sneaky bugger)
  • Thea is off again, this time to Malaga .
  • Chris to adventuring in deepest darkest Africa. Please bring back biltong!
  • Mhairi will be spending next week in Scotland with her parents.

Adam does not go to Dance school!

Just to clarify Adam's comment about 15 mins of fame earlier this week. He has not lost the plot he was just quoting a 13 year old who was over excited.

'i want to be part too! please let me. i'm 13 but my dance in school is GCSE level! Dont believe me? I can bring a letter from my teacher saying soo! PLEEEAASEE!'

Zulu, the house pet

Mike bought a disco ball for his pad to help lure in the ladies.

Congratulations Verity! Sorry guys... it's too late, she's taken.

Monday, April 27, 2009

OK, who scared the interns!?

Will's recovering well, soon there will be no more excuses for leaving one button undone.

Monday EOP on walk to work week

...that's not very many cupcakes...

Sir Neil

This Sunday Sir Neil cemented his title as Knight of the agency and damsels swooned at tales of his running prowes.
3 hrs 48 minutes and 47 seconds.... my hero... sigh....